Françoise PERRIOT

Année de parution : 2017
Nombre de pages : 240
Langue : Français
ISBN 13 : 978-2268095172

For History, Nature has always been intrinsic to the Native American culture. This book attests of the interdependence between humans and their environment, their family ties, and the actions taken to preserve it. In this Journey between the past and the present, turmoil and reverence, defeat and victory, we are invited to rediscover a land with characters coming straight out of myth which we thought was over. This book offers us the opportunity to contemplate a nature so powerful in its omnipresence that it can only be greatly respected. The commented photographs are not simple illustration and do far more than simply presenting nature: they are an anthem and a plea for its diversity, its strength and its weakness, as much as for the men and women from various cultures who depended upon nature and learned to live amongst it in harmony, until this life circle was broken at the arrival of the strangers coming from the East. The loss of these last wild immensities spreads the idea that we are witnessing the end of their world, if not our own end. Made like rare and original scientific, geographic and ethnographic documents, or like scientific curiosity or artistic masterpieces, they go beyond the furtive instant look and the intention of the photographer. These photographs invite us to direct our gaze towards the future. The Natives were fought, humiliated, robbed, to finally be « protected » by the same people who invaded them. The natives are now living in reserves while nature, in danger, is reduced to squares. For both, there is a surprising power of resilience.