
Editeur : Editions LAROUSSE
Année de parution : 2017
Nombre de pages : 224
Langue : Français
ISBN 13 : 978-203592911

Their names are Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Phillipe Halsman, Robert Mapplethorpe, Seydou Keyta or Raymond Depardon. They concluded the nineteenth century and started the twentieth century and established colors that are now immutable. By seizing an instant, a moment, a look, they impacted the art of photography and permanently changed the vision we have on the world. Their photographs, witnesses of history, or social revolutions, of misery, of pain or human tragedies, but also of the beauty of the living and the elements, have become iconic.

For each of these great photographers, from Man Ray to Nan Goldin, their personal and artistic careers, as well as explanations on one of their most iconic works and the techniques they used. Discover their battles, their audacity, and the fresh look they set on mankind and the scenery to permanently renew images.