Editeur : Reporters sans frontières
Année de parution : 2022
Nombre de pages : 142
Langue : French
ISBN 13 : 978-2362200878
Thirty years ago, Reporters Without Borders published the first issue of 100 photos for press freedom. Since its inception, our collection has been explicitly committed to the environment. From National Geographic to Vincent Munier via Sebastião Salgado, RSF has honored the great photographers of the living and defended those who are fighting for green journalism all over the world. 100 photos of trees for press freedom is fully in line with this commitment.
The acts of violence against against journalists working on environmental issues have become common. Since the publication of the report Hostile climate for environmental journalists (RSF), which drew up, at the end of 2015, an initial mapping out of the violations specifically affecting journalists working on this theme, the trends observed have been confirmed and are now long term. On average, about two journalists are murdered every year for investigating deforestation, illegal extraction of raw materials, land grabbing and the environmental consequences of industrial activities.
The meticulous and dangerous work of collecting and disseminating information is the sine qua non of a general response to the dangers threatening the planet.
With images by: Abbas, Ansel Adams, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Laurent Baheux, Édouard Boubat, Alexandra Boulat, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Robert Doisneau, Irene Kung, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Catalina Martin-Chico, Steve McCurry, Joel Meyerowitz, Vincent Munier, Sebastião Salgado, Sabine Weiss… and many more!
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