Editeur : NIUGINI
Année de parution : 2017
Langue : Français
ISBN 13 : 978-2953887365

An authentic Papuan chief and confirmed traveler, Mundiya Kepanga has been traveling the world for more than fifteen years along with his friend, photographer Marc Dozier. In a fashion reminiscent of Montesquieu’s persian letters, the explorer lays a puzzling look, full of humour and philosophy, on the western society. For more than three motnhs, the ethnologist apprentice furrowed the United States, from New York to San francisco, after crossing places such as Las Vegas, Washington or Los Angeles. Being naturally inquisitive, he participated in major navajos pow-wows, rode horses with western cow-boys, and took the famous Route 66 to join the crazy community of Burning Man. An incredible journey in quest of a funny and strange tribe called… The American tribe.